
Fast Food Apps, Ranked

Fast Food Apps, Ranked

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Image: Grand Warszawski (Shutterstock), jmc23 (Shutterstock), Gargantiopa (Shutterstock)

I eat a lot of fast food.

It’s reasonable to say that simple fact makes me qualified to judge the apps fast food restaurants provide their customers with. In an effort to find the best fast food app, I downloaded ten apps belonging to some of the biggest restaurant chains in the world, and played around with placing my usual orders.

I had a very judgmental eye and was taking no prisoners in my assessments considering things like app design, menu offerings, customization, rewards, and even the app’s previous reputation. Without further ado, let’s dig in.

Nouveau Mode De Livraison

Le Réseau Chicken City

La livraison de nuit est née il y a quelques années, car une très forte demande s'est faite sentir. Notamment dans les métiers qui font les 3 trois Huit, tels que les agents de sécurité et les services d'urgences. L'attente des clients dis nocturne étant différente de celle de clients de jour, nous avons élaborées un mode de fonctionnement adapté afin de livrer rapidement, tout en couvrant une plus grande zone.

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