
What Year Is It? What Is Happening?

What Year Is It? What Is Happening?

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Somewhere out there, Rob Bricken just started shrieking, and he doesn’t know why.
Gif: KFC

I don’t know how to live in a world where RoboCop is selling fried chicken.

Kentucky Fried Chicken’s latest attempt to get nerds to buy fried chicken bits by the bucketful—they’ve given up on Larfleeze, it seems—has seen them call in none other than the ultimate police operative: the original RoboCop.

The fast food corporation has handed over the bolo tie reins to several actors over the years to step into the petrifying shoes of Colonel Sanders, but RoboCop is arguably the weirdest attempt yet. Here’s the video announcing the move, which sees RoboSanders safeguarding the secret KFC recipe and relocating to Bahnhof’s Pionen data center, one of the most secure underground bunkers in the world.

Because apparently, we’re using a place underneath tons of Stockholm mountain that can literally withstand nuclear blasts to store the real important things from human civilization.

Like the KFC recipe.

Delivered by RoboCop.

Man, it is too early in the forever for pop culture to be like this.

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Nouveau Mode De Livraison

Le Réseau Chicken City

La livraison de nuit est née il y a quelques années, car une très forte demande s'est faite sentir. Notamment dans les métiers qui font les 3 trois Huit, tels que les agents de sécurité et les services d'urgences. L'attente des clients dis nocturne étant différente de celle de clients de jour, nous avons élaborées un mode de fonctionnement adapté afin de livrer rapidement, tout en couvrant une plus grande zone.

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